Tom Teicholz, Forbes, On Saturday, the regal alchemy will be conjured anew at King Charles III’s coronation at Westminster Abbey in London. Tahneer Oksman, Washington Post, Nonetheless, the works remain vessels for the alchemy of each viewer's projections and imaginations. Laura King, Los Angeles Times, Some forgotten memories, as Proust famously demonstrated, can become accessible through what seems like a kind of alchemy. IEEE Spectrum, 2 June 2023 Even President Emmanuel Macron, who had initially voiced interest in a more modernist design, bowed to a popular wish that whatever alchemy occurred in reconstruction, this particular iconic component - the spire - should return in recognizable form. Town & Country, 11 June 2023 Tesla increasingly appears a one-off, a feat of automotive alchemy that can’t be neatly replicated. Recent Examples on the Web Perhaps no word better captures the magic of Sir David Adjaye’s architecture than alchemy. This power to transform things for the better, real or imagined, led to figurative meanings for alchemy and alchemist. Some other words derived from Arabic also retain the al- in English, such as algebra, algorithm, and alcohol in fact, the transformative liquid that was constantly being sought through experimentation by alchemists is another word with the Arabic al- prefix: elixir. The word then passed from Latin to French before coming to English. The long route to English for alchemist began with the Greek word chēmeia, which probably came from the word chyma (“fluid”), derived from the verb chein, meaning “to pour.” It then passed to Arabic, which added its definite article al- (“the”) to the Greek root. Their secretive experiments, usually involving heat and the mixing of liquids, led to the development of pharmacology and the rise of modern chemistry.

Alchemists believed that lead could be “perfected” into gold, that diseases could be cured, and that life could be prolonged through transmutation, or a change of some essential element into a superior form.

Today we recognize alchemy as a pseudoscience, and give chemistry its rightful place as a serious scientific field, but the two terms initially overlapped in meaning before separating by the 17th century, just as astrology and astronomy did during the same period.Īlchemy and alchemist are in fact older words than chemistry and chemist in English. Alchemist: Someone Who Transforms Things for the Better